Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 4 – Morges

Checked out the little town of Morges, not too far from us. We rented 3 bikes and 2 “all terrain” scooters to cruise along the lake to “Saint Sulpice” (near Lausanne). On the way back to Morges the boys had a swim. After returning the bikes we enjoyed a peaceful drink (one wine, one beer and 3 coke) on the water and surveyed the view of Mont Blanc. After our beverage we went looking for a restaurant and learned that Morges shuts down early. So in the end, we made our first visit of the trip to the,always luxurious, McDonalds. It was actually pretty good. A “meal” costs about $11 SFr (similar to $11 C).

1 comment:

Conor the Hideous said...

Hi Horns.

Love the pictures. Breathtaking scenery (and we're not just talking about Tracy on her pink scooter.

You all look happy and healthy.

Delighted the adventure's going so well.