Monday, July 28, 2008

July 17-18

We made it!! The flights were great….Air Canada was way better than we had been told. Everything was on time and all five of the bags arrived, the food was tasty ( and I didn’t have to make it or clean up….YES!) and even a couple of free G&Ts. Jack and Graham managed to sleep a bit more than the rest of us so we were all very tired when we got to our hotel in Frankfurt. It was very hard to just have an hour nap….Graham was trying so hard to wake Charlie up and just couldn’t so he yelled,” BLACK HAWK DOWN” WE eventually got him up and went into the center of Frankfurt for some bratwurst, beer and Orangina drinks. Then back to the hotel to sleep…..with a detour of the “red light district”….nice, really nice. I think we were in bed and asleep by 8pm Frankfurt time,(11 am in Vancouver). Everyone slept well and Graham woke us up with Coffee,OJ, Bananas and very, very good Chocolate Croissants.
We are now on the train to Zurich….the boys love our seats. They think they are going to “Hogwarts”. All is well…..

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